Workers’ Compensation
And Social Security Disability
Help From Experienced Attorneys

Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security Disability Insurance

If you have questions about the process involved in getting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you should talk to a lawyer who can help get you the information you need to make an informed decision.

At Gesmer & Reynolds, P.C., we believe that everyone should be informed and receive personalized legal representation. You can trust that our attorneys will take the necessary time to answer your questions, address your concerns and provide guidance.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about SSDI and SSI. If you have other questions or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers, please contact our firm at 815-216-9471.

What’s the main difference between SSDI and SSI?

While SSDI and SSI benefits both help in situations where individuals may be disabled and unable to work, these benefits are distributed through two completely separate systems. However, the main difference between SSDI and SSI is that SSDI is a federal benefit available to those who have paid enough into the SSD system. SSI is primarily for those who do not qualify for SSDI and have limited assets/means.

Do I need a lawyer to help me with applying for Social Security?

Legal help is not required, but an attorney can help alleviate many stresses. Working with an experienced lawyer at Gesmer & Reynolds, P.C., can ensure that your rights are protected. We are highly knowledgeable of the legal process involved in SSDI and SSI applications, when to expect challenges and what proven strategies are effective for overcoming issues that may arise.

Can I get short- and long-term disability?

Generally speaking, SSDI benefits are for individuals with conditions that will disable them for at least a year. There are different types of benefits, so it is important you talk with a lawyer about how your particular disability is rated in the SSD system and what you should expect. We are here, ready to provide advocacy for our clients at all times.

Contact The Lawyers At Our Firm To Schedule Your First Appointment

Please contact us at 815-216-9471 or fill out our free contact form to schedule your first meeting with one of our attorneys. We are located in Rockford and accept cases throughout Illinois. Meetings can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you.