People who work in retail have a lot to deal with daily. While many people focus on customer interactions, that’s only a small part of what goes on with these workers. There are many risks that these hardworking individuals face with every shift. Understanding some of...
Workers’ Compensation
Can you get workers’ comp for a heat-related injury?
The temperatures are soaring all around the United States, and that’s putting a lot of workers in different industries at serious risk of heat-related illnesses. Heatstroke, for example, is the most dangerous hyperthermic illness you can get. This occurs when your...
Falling at the same level at work can cause major injuries
Although people often recognize that falls are safety hazard, they tend to be too dismissive when evaluating employment circumstances for this common safety concern. Specifically, people tend to assume that the falls that lead to worker injuries involve a significant...
Long COVID is still a problem and there are few answers
An estimated 200 million people worldwide suffer from long COVID, according to some experts. It’s not clear why, but some people who get COVID-19 are left with lingering symptoms. They can range from mild to severe and include things like exhaustion, memory problems,...
Can I get workers’ comp if working made my condition worse?
Typically, yes. As long as your employer has workers’ comp insurance covering you, you can probably get coverage for this. When your work activities aren’t the original cause of your medical condition but they have made it substantially worse, a workers’ comp claim...
Is it possible to get workers’ comp after a work-related car wreck?
Yes. Whether they’re professional drivers or occasionally run errands for work, a lot of people wonder whether their car accident is covered by workers’ compensation. In cases where an employee was driving for work or to benefit the company, car wrecks are indeed...
OSHA, industry leaders launch Midwest campaign about excavation safety
Last year, four Illinois workers died during trench or excavation work. They were among 39 who died nationwide in 2022 doing this hazardous type of work. Unfortunately, that’s way up since before the pandemic. Between 2011 and 2018, 166 U.S. workers died in trench...
Violence against nurses is up. It’s usually covered by workers’ comp.
Based on data from three months of 2022, violence against nurses remains high – and it may be higher than it was before the pandemic. “As we saw, as with a lot of stresses on the RN profession during the pandemic, it amplified everything," commented one nursing...
OSHA: Dollar General is a ‘severe violator’ of workplace safety rules
Last fall, OSHA initiated a “severe violators” list. It includes companies who chronically expose employees to workplace safety and health risks. Dollar General was the first company OSHA put on the list. According to CNBC, Tennessee-based Dollar General grew rapidly...
Treatment for traumatic stress is often covered by workers’ comp
According to a recent article in Psychology Today, it takes a lot to effectively care for a first responder suffering from traumatic stress or PTSD. Specifically, it takes “a multidisciplinary team of peers, chaplains and culturally competent clinicians.” If you are a...