Workers’ Compensation
And Social Security Disability
Help From Experienced Attorneys

A Denied Claim Is Not The End The Road: Denied Benefits And Appeals

It’s reality that workers’ comp claims get denied. If your claim is denied, it doesn’t mean that you are unable to get benefits. The next step is to talk to an attorney about filing your claim with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission and how working with legal counsel can help the outcome of your case.

The lawyers at Gesmer & Reynolds, P.C., handle all types of workers’ comp injury claims, including denied benefits and appeals. We have experience working with clients facing all types of injuries at all stages of the legal process. When you come to our firm, you get our full attention.

Attentive Advocacy Throughout The Appeals Process

Without advocacy throughout the process of appealing a denied claim, you risk ending your claim. Denied claims are complicated and require the attention of an attorney who understands what the courts are looking for and has the skills to go to trial if necessary.

At Gesmer & Reynolds, P.C., we have been successful in reversing denied disability claims and in going to trial for appeals. We have in-depth knowledge of the law and understand what obstacles we need to overcome to effectively represent our clients.

Contact The Attorneys At Gesmer & Reynolds, P.C., And Schedule Your Free Consultation

To schedule your free consultation, please contact us at 815-216-9471. You will meet directly with an attorney at your first meeting. We are located in Rockford, Illinois, and handle cases throughout the surrounding area.